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Inside Out


HACKETT STEVE The Circus and the Nightwhale

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Legendary rock guitarist Steve Hackett will release his new studio album “The Circus And The Nightwhale” on 16th February 2024 via InsideOut Music. A rite-of-passage concept album with a young character called Travla at the centre of it, “The Circus And The Nightwhale”s 12 tracks have an autobiographical angle for the musician who says about his 30th solo release: “I love this album. It says the things I’ve been wanting to say for a very long time.”

Recorded between tours in 2022 and 2023 at Siren studio in the UK – with guest parts beamed in from Sweden, Austria, the US, Azerbaijan and Denmark, the line-up for “The Circus And The Nightwhale” includes some familiar faces alongside Steve on electric and acoustic guitars, 12-string, mandolin, harmonica, percussion, bass and vocals. Roger King (keyboards, programming and orchestral arrangements), Rob Townsend (sax), Jonas Reingold (bass), Nad Sylvan (vocals), Craig Blundell (drums) and Amanda Lehmann on vocals. Nick D’Virgilio and Hugo Degenhardt return as guests on the drumstool, engineer extraordinaire Benedict Fenner appears on keyboards and Malik Mansurov is back with the tar. Finally, Steve’s brother John Hackett is present once more on flute.

Detailný popis:

Hackett, Steve
The Circus and the Nightwhale

1. People of the Smoke
2. These Passing Clouds
3. Taking You Down
4. Found and Lost
5. Enter the Ring
6. Get Me Out
7. Ghost Moon and Living Love
8. Circo Inferno
9. Breakout
10. All At Sea
11. Into the Nightwhale
12. Wherever You Are
13. White Dove

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Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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