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- zadajte priezvisko a meno, napr. GOMBITOVA MARIKA, alebo AC/DC


Afm Records


U.D.O. Legacy (First Best Of Compilation Since 15 Years)

Hard`n Heavy
Heavy Metal
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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Detailný popis:

The Legacy - there's no better way to sum up U.D.O.'s 30th anniversary in the international metal world. 33 tracks from over three decades of music history bundled on two CDs. A tribute to the incomparable career of an incomparable band.

The former ACCEPT members Herman Frank & David Reece feat. VICTORY members Malte Burkert, Mike Pesin and former U.D.O. drummer Francesco Jovino are presenting their new hard-hitting heavy metal band IRON ALLIES.

Especially Herman Frank and David Reece are the classic combination of song-writing guitarist and first-rate lyricist cum singer, a combination that, more than once, has caused a stir in music history.

Their debut album ‘Blood In Blood Out’ will be released on October 21st. As Herman Frank comments: “This record cannot be compared to anything David or I have produced in our past. It’s at the same time standing on its own, while sounding like it came from the one and the same mold. You could say: the two of us have sought and found each other!”



1. Fear Detector
2. Metal Never Dies
3. Wilder Life (bonus track)
4. Pandemonium
5. One Heart One Soul
6. Make The Move
7. What a Hell of a Night (bonus track)
8. Pain
9. Decadent
10. Falling Angels (bonus track)
11. Metal Machine
12. Steelhammer
13. Dust and Rust (bonus track)
14. I Give as Good as I Get
15. Rock’n’roll Soldiers
16. Dominator


1. Mastercutor
2. Vendetta
3. 24/7
4. Blind Eyes
5. Man and Machine
6. Like a Lion
7. Shout It Out
8. Holy
9. Freelance Man
10. Independence Day
11. Metal Eater
12. Future Land
13. Blitz of Lightning
14. We’re History
15. Break the Rules
16. Go Back to Hell
17. They Want War

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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