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Napalm Records


SERENITY Nemesis A.D. (Digipack Edition)

Hard`n Heavy
Symphonic Metal
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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Known for their thematic albums inspired by historic characters and stories of the past, on Nemesis AD, SERENITY draw inspiration from the life and highly influential art of painter Albrecht Dürer of the German renaissance.

Grandiose intro track “Memoriae Alberti Dureri” sets the scene for the album, before legendary singer Roy Khan (Conception, ex-Kamelot) lends his impressive vocals on the mighty “The Fall of Man”. “Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knightfall)” (named after Dürer’s famous artwork) features lyrics sung partially in German, for the first time in the band’s history spanning over more than two decades. The powerful track showcases SERENITY’s signature blend of orchestral arrangements, heavy guitar riffs, and soaring vocals. Heart-wrenchingly emotional yet empowering “Reflections (of AD)” mesmerizes the listener with its awe-inspiring instrumentation, multifaceted vocals and brilliant changes throughout the gripping eight-minute track. Theatrical “Sun of Justice” leads the listener to a faraway fantasy world while the vocal performance of skilled singer Georg Neuhauser ultimately unlocks the track’s hit potential. “The End of Babylon” represents one of the darker, heavier tracks on Nemesis AD – climactic arrangements carry the dramatic storyline. Monumental orchestral version of “The Fall of Man” closes the album on a thrilling note that is sure to send a chill up your spine.

With Nemesis AD, SERENITY adds yet another bombastic symphonic metal masterpiece to their notable discography – there is no doubt that the talented unit’s standing in the scene is well deserved.

SERENITY comment:
“We are always focused on historical themes. Our latest album The Last Knight (2020) was about Maximilian I and his era. The narrative unfolds further as we structured our new album around his contemporary Albrecht Dürer, who is one of the most revolutionary and remarkable artists of all time for us, representing a pivotal juncture between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, bridging Gothic and modern eras.”

Detailný popis:

Tracklisting :

1. Memoriae Alberti Dureri
2. The Fall of Man (feat. Roy Khan)
3. Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knightfall)
4. Soldiers Under the Cross
5. Reflections (of AD)
6. Sun of Justice
7. Nemesis
8. The End of Babylon
9. Crowned by an Angel
10. Just the Sky is the Limit
11. The Fall of Man (Orchestral Version, feat. Roy Khan)

Georg Neuhauser – Vocals
Christian Hermsdörfer – Guitars & Backing Vocals
Marco Pastorino – Guitars & Backing Vocals
Fabio D’Amore – Bass & Backing Vocals
Andreas Schipflinger – Drums & Backing Vocals

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