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PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Friend of All Creatures - Novinka

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Pattern-Seeking Animals comes out of the gate in 2025 with the release of their fifth album Friend of All Creatures due out on February 14th, on GEP Records. The Los Angeles-based quartet have been one of the prog scene’s most prolific and well-received artists, beginning with the release of their self-titled debut album in 2019, followed by Prehensile Tales in 2020, Only Passing Through in 2022 and Spooky Action at a Distance in 2023.

Originally formed with past members of Spock’s Beard, Pattern-Seeking Animals (P-SA) has long since staked claim to its own identity, forging a strong path in the prog world. The band, named after a quote about human behavior from science historian Michael Shermer, PS-A is Ted Leonard (lead vocals and guitar), John Boegehold (keyboards, guitars, programming), Dave Meros (basses) and the energetic Jimmy Keegan (drums and vocals). Friend of All Creatures (named from a verse in the Bhagavad Gita) contains 7 songs, all written by Boegehold, who also produced the album. It was engineered and mixed at Woodcliff Studio in Los Angeles by Frank Rosato in 2024.

About the new album, John Boegehold says, “We’re all very proud of this album and are looking forward to everyone finally hearing it.”

Detailný popis:

Pattern-Seeking Animals
Friend of All Creatures

1. Future Perfect World
2. Another Holy Grail
3. Down the Darkest Road
4. In My Dying Days
5. The Seventh Sleeper
6. Days We'll Remember
7. Words of Love Evermore

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