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Napalm Records


KK'S PRIEST Sinner Rides Again (Digipak Edition)

Hard`n Heavy
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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Iconic former Judas Priest members K.K. Downing and Tim "Ripper" Owens present nine new tracks of sinful heavy metal fury with their sophomore attack! Single Blurb "One more Shot At Glory": Following their acclaimed debut, Sermons Of The Sinner - which landed in the Top 20 in the USA, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland and more - KK'S PRIEST return with their next offering, The Sinner Rides Again! The heavy metal band of iconic GRAMMY Award winning/nominated former Judas Priest members K.K. Downing and Tim "Ripper?? Owens stuns with first single "One More Shot At Glory?? - evoking battle with heroic chants and double bass, and setting the stage for a spine-tingling guitar solo!

Detailný popis:

Track Listings

1 Sons Of The Sentinel
2 Strike Of The Viper
3 Reap The Whirlwind
4 One More Shot At Glory
5 Hymn 66
6 The Sinner Rides Again
7 Keeper Of The Graves
8 Pledge Your Souls
9 Wash Away Your Sins

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

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0,00 €


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