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Robert Schumann (in words) STING, Robert Schumann (in song) SIMON KEENLYSIDE, Violin SERGEJ KRYLOV, Piano IAIN BURNSIDE, Clara Wieck (in words) TRUDIE STYLER, Clara Wieck (in song) REBECCA EVANS, Cello NATALIE CLEIN, Piano NATASHA PAREMSKI & Narrator DEREK JACOBI

Devised and directed for the stage by John Caird.

Recorded at the Royal Opera House, London, December 2007

Twin Spirits is a unique and intimate, live theatrical performance by a chamber ensemble of actors, singers and musicians, portraying the deep and ultimately tragic love between the composer Robert Schumann and his pianist wife Clara Wieck. In this intensely moving performance of words, song and music, the Schumanns’ long separation, so formative an influence on their lives, is reflected in the division of the ensemble into male and female groups. Robert’s letters to Clara are read by Sting and his songs sung by Simon Keenlyside, with accompaniments and instrumental music played by Iain Burnside and Sergej Krylov. Clara’s letters to Robert are read by Trudie Styler and her songs sung by Rebecca Evans, with accompaniments and instrumental music played by Natalie Clein and Natasha Paremski. The narrator, Derek Jacobi, links together the letters and lyrics to complete the essential outline of the story. Conceived and directed by John Caird, Twin Spirits was first performed in June 2005 at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London and has since been experienced only at private performances for charity by small audiences of all ages and interests, leaving them deeply touched and inspired.

Picture 1080i High Definition / 16:9 Sound 2.0 & 5.0 PCM
Video codec AVC/MPEG-4 Disc size BD50 Subtitles EN/FR/DE/ES/IT + EN (songs only) Menu language EN
Region code All regions Running time 206 mins Dimensions W135 H170 D12 (mm)

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