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BE BOP DELUXE At the BBC 1974-1978

Dodacia lehota
14 dní
Cena s DPH


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Detailný popis:

Album Tracks

1. Third Floor Heaven [John Peel Session 9th May 1974]
2. Adventures In a Yorkshire Landscape [John Peel Session 9th May 1974]
3. Mill Street Junction [John Peel Session 9th May 1974]
4. Fifteenth of July [John Peel Session 9th May 1974]
5. Maid In Heaven [John Peel Session]
6. Stage Whispers [John Peel Session]
7. Sister Seagull [John Peel Session]
8. Lights [John Peel Session]
9. Life In The Air-Age [BBC In Concert]
10. Sister Seagull [BBC In Concert]
11. Ships In The Night [BBC In Concert]
12. Maid In Heaven [BBC In Concert]
13. Third Floor Heaven [BBC In Concert]
14. Blazing Apostles [BBC In Concert]

1. Maid In Heaven [BBC In Concert]
2. Bring Back The Spark [BBC In Concert]
3. Kiss Of Light [BBC In Concert]
4. Adventures In A Yorkshire Landscape [BBC In Concert]
5. Fair Exchange [BBC In Concert]
6. Ships In The Night [BBC In Concert]
7. Twighlight Capers [BBC In Concert]
8. Modern Music [Medley - BBC In Concert]
9. Blazing Apostles [BBC In Concert]

1. Mill Street Junction [John Peel Session 17th January 1977]
2. Adventures In a Yorkshire Landscape [John Peel Session 17th January 1
3. Still Shining [John Peel Session 17th January 1977]
4. New Precision [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
5. Superenigmatix [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
6. Possession [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
7. Dangerous Stranger [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
8. Island Of The Dead [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
9. Panic In The World [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
10. Lovers Are Mortal [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
11. Love In Flames [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
12. Blazing Apostles [BBC In Concert 19th January 1978]
13. Superenigmatix [John Peel Session 30th January 1978]
14. Panic In The World [John Peel Session 30th January 1978]
15. Possession [John Peel Session 30th January 1978]
16. Love In Flames [John Peel Session 30th January 1978]

1. Maid In Heaven [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
2. Sister Seagull [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
3. Ships In The Night [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
4. Fair Exchange [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
5. Forbidden Lovers [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
6. Down On Terminal Street [The Old Grey Whistle Test]
7. New Precision [Sight & Sound In Concert]
8. Superenigmatix [Sight & Sound In Concert]
9. Possession [Sight & Sound In Concert]
10. Dangerous Stranger [Sight & Sound In Concert]
11. Islands of the Dead [Sight & Sound In Concert]
12. Lovers Are Mortal [Sight & Sound In Concert]
13. Panic In the World [Sight & Sound In Concert]

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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