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Season of Mist


ABBATH Outstrider - Akcia

Hard`n Heavy
Black Metal
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
10,80€ 15,60 €
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The Norwegian Metal giant returns, armed with a refined lineup and ready to strike with a sophomore effort that is sure to once again exceed the expectations of Abbath’s loyal fanbase. ‘Outstrider’ sees a maturation in sound, delivering a tighter, well-rounded offering from the band as they come into their own identity. The album delivers a full-on aural assault from start to finish with massive riffage and a robust pocket that are layered with vocals from one of the most identifiable voices in black metal. Abbath was founded in 2016, just after Abbath anounced he had left Immortal. Luckily he came back with more dose of icy, blackened fury.

Listen here to 'Harvest Pyre'.

Detailný popis:


1. Calm In Ire (of Hurricane)
2. Bridge of Spasms
3. The Artifex
4. Harvest Pyre
5. Land of Khem
6. Outstrider
7. Scythewinder
8. Hecate

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